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The Focus Theater

Improv 2: Advanced Scene Work

Improv 2: Advanced Scene Work

DURATION: Eight Weeks
Wednesdays, 4/2 - 5/21, Grad Show on 5/31
TIME: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
INSTRUCTOR: Austin Scott
PREREQS: Improv 1

This eight-week class builds on the skills learned in Improv Level 1 and delves deeper into building engaging scenes; the cornerstone of long-form improvisation. Students will gain an understanding of how to make strong scene initiations and establish the who, what, when, and where of a scene through the construction of intricate settings and rich characters. Students will also learn how to recognize and explore the most interesting choices within scenes in order to heighten and revisit them in subsequent beats. Attention will also be paid to the transitions, edits, and enhancement of scenes. This class culminates in a live performance.

Austin Scott is a home-grown improviser and actor with over 16 years of performance and teaching experience in both scripted and unscripted work. Austin also serves on the theater leadership team. He currently performs at The Focus Theater as part of improv trio, Ants to Gods.


Regular price $225.00
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