Out of Focus: February 2025

Out of Focus: February 2025

Written by Tommy Delp

Happy Groundhog Day to all of those who celebrate! We here at The Focus Theater are stoked (or pissed) that the groundhog didn’t (or did) see his shadow.

Regardless of what the little guy predicted, we have plenty on the calendar to keep you warm and cozy as winter continues here in Rochester.

Our February lineup kicks off with the return of “JFT and Friends” on Saturday, February 8th. John Forrest Thompson is back with more Chicago-style improv and a new group of performers. 

As for Valentine’s Day weekend, you can ditch the flowers and chocolate! Instead, come out and see this year’s holiday show, “Eternal Sunshine of the Stubborn Heart,” on Saturday, February 15th. Have a lovely time with a mix of improv and stand-up comedy that’s sure to make you swoon.

Then, on Friday, February 21st, the champions of 2024 Rochester Fringe Festival Battle Royal return! Dads for Democracy are joined by 216-Prov for their first full-length show, “Let Freedom Ring.”

The following night, on Saturday, February 22nd, Dan Hopman is back with "Late Night with Dan in Noir.” Join a cavalcade of theater regulars as they partake in semi-scripted talk show shenanigans.

Finally, as the month comes to a close, so does the winter session of the theater’s seasonal classes. No need to be blue though as we’re celebrating with a weekend of FREE grad shows!

See the stand-up class perform on Friday, February 28th. Then, on Saturday, March 1st, catch a double header. The sketch class will perform at 6:00 PM and the improv classes will perform at 7:30 PM. Show your Focus pride and support our newest set of grad students.

For those interested in taking classes themselves, be on the lookout. The spring sessions should be live soon!

That’s it for February though. Stay tuned for more exciting events and shows. And remember, Spring is just around the corner! That’s what we keep telling ourselves at least…

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